Flying Fish Barbados Masters Swim Club

Red Tide Masters Swim Club From NY Posing With Members Of The Flying Fish Barbados Masters before the Carlisle Bay swim.

 World Champion, Kristin Gary of the Red Tide Masters, NY & Geoff King. Hold on tight, Geoff!

Back row left to right: Darren Treasure,  Rick Peters, Geoff Farmer,  Rene Dulieu & Bryan Weekes

Front row left to right: Lady Cheryl Forde, Louisa Roche, Julie Cox, Geoff King, Isabel King, Sylvia Loustric & Dave Collins

left to right: Zary Evelyn, Damian Edghill & Geoff King  (Keeping it green)

Sylvia Loustric, one of our most active female swimmers.

Chris Gibbs - Our English Channel swimmer - Looking fit! 

 Geoff with triple world record holder, Leslie Livingstone



Below: Louisa Roche, Dave Collins,  Kelly Perry (USA), & Geoff King

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